Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Behind and Forward

It is FINISHED....Abilene Court is officially SOLD and we are officially moved!
Sunday afternoon, our little family, spent some time saying goodbye to every room (and closet...per Asher's request)....we each shed tears in our own time realizing no matter how exciting, adventurous or certain the future seems.....goodbye will always be hard.
But hard as they are, they are not without purpose.

Paul says it best in Philippians 3....
"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the UPWARD CALL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS"  

I loved that house.  I love that it was our first major purchase together and that we learned the joys and pains of painting tall ceilings and scraping wall paper.  I love that I learned to cook in the kitchen and clean in the bathrooms.  I love that we brought home our first son to a beautiful and peaceful nursery and that we learned to swaddle on our living room floor at 3am. I love that we were blessed with enough space to host our families for holidays and birthday parties.  I love that we cried our eyes out together in our bedroom the day a brain tumor was revealed and simultaneously prayed that healing was in our path.  I love that we taught Asher to walk, talk, ride a bike, kick a soccer ball, shoot a basket and pray.

I love that house.  I love those memories.
But the TRUTH is that I love Jesus more.  I love that He calls us forward by His gentle Spirit preparing us in truth and righteousness to love more deeply.

I will give up anything to follow that call.
"...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead..."

Where we brought Asher home from the hospital
Where we welcomed many guests
Our first home improvement project and we survived!
The last load

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