Friday, February 15, 2013

Same Team

"Christ’s sacrifice was indeed an act of unselfishness, however, it was an act of LOVE first. The successful intent was the salvation of humankind, it was not a side effect on the road to another goal.
As a Christian with a desire to become more like Christ, the goal is not to abstain from as much worldly pleasures as possible and hope that a life of sacrifice will get us entry into heaven. The goal is to receive the good gifts of the Holy Spirit, which enable us to see others the way Christ sees them and to live a life of love, joy and peace."

-William Knelsen

I kind of think this is so true. Valentine's Day was yesterday and the word LOVE was all around our house.  Yet, today at 6:30pm something else attempted to rummage around our house.  It was just a LONG (but GOOD) day, I had to drive a lot of miles that I don't normally drive because of things that were completely out of my control and by the end of it all....I turned inward.

By the time I picked up Brandon from his office at 5:00 I was ready to unleash....and I did.  Everything became his fault....the traffic, the truck repairs (and having to pick it up), having to go to the grocery store, not organizing things know....EVERYTHING was his fault!

As I folded laundry in silence while he rearranged bedroom furniture (correctly)....he finally turned to me and reminded me...."We are on the same team....I love you.".

We love this statement because when things get tough and we just CAN'T seem to communicate no matter how hard we try, because of stress or exhaustion or weariness or whatever.....this simple statement ALWAYS brings us back to home base. It began a couple of years ago and it has never failed us since.

Tonight was no different.

We were back on the same team, free of resentment and anger, as quickly as we had arrived.  As hard as I try, when my head knows but my heart doesn't want to obey, to always put others before me and to TRY to be unselfish.....I still fall short.....when my goal is anything other than LOVE through the good gifts that the Holy Spirit gives....I will never see the fullness of all that He intends for my spirit to SEE and I will continue to abide on the other team....MY OWN TEAM OF ONE.

"We are on the same team...I love you."  Just try it......

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