Thursday, January 3, 2013

All and Enough

There is no denying who He is. If I ever question who He is, the power He holds, what His purpose is and was and always will be and where He is.....may I fall into Paul's words from Colossians 1.

"HE is the image of the invisible God, 
the firstborn over ALL creation.  
For by Him ALL things were created; 
things in heaven and on earth, 
visible and invisible,
 whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; 
ALL things were created by HIM and for HIM.
And HE is the head of the body, the church; 
HE is the beginning and the firstborn of all the dead, 
so that in EVERYTHING 
He might have the supremacy.

For God was pleased to have ALL the fullness dwell in Him, 

and through Him to reconcile to Himself.... ALL things, 
whether things on earth 
or things in heaven,
by making PEACE
through His blood
shed on the cross."
-Colossians 1:15-20

In this world, where there are so many "ideas" of who He is.....
What this verse reveals to me...

We have no idea who HE is....
There is no box to put Him sentence to describe Him exhaustively.....
No phrase to wrap around Him and tie Him up in a pretty little bow.....

There is only a relationship;
A relationship which He initiated and gave His life for.
A relationship born through His Spirit.
A relationship sustained by His faithfulness.
A relationship which will reveal in all of time.....

 He is enough.

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