Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Train Me Now

"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful;yet those who have been TRAINED by it, afterwards it yields the PEACEFUL FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

THEREFORE, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is LAME may not be put out of joint, but rather BE HEALED.

Pursue peace with ALL men, and the sanctification without which NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD."
-Hebrews 12:11-14

Back in the day, when I lived mostly for myself and for seeking my own pleasure and comfort and glory.....I ALWAYS had in the back of my mind that ONE day I would pay for all of those choices.  Somewhere, within the course of my life, this idea had been formed that I was CHOOSING something that was in opposition to what I was created to CHOOSE.

I have no formal education in the theology of ANYTHING.  What I do have are my experiences, fruit of my own personal study and the invaluable Spirit of God that dwells within me to renew and guide my thinking.  I say all of that just to preface what I am about to say. 

Walking through brain cancer is discipline for Brandon and I.  
Discipline that trains us to follow the path of righteousness instead of the path we would so easily take.
God did not create an ugly, nasty tumor and put it in Brandon's brain (nor am I saying that all disease is for the purpose of discipline)....but He has allowed it come into our lives and He has allowed it to stay.  And when  He wants it to leave.....He has all the power to command it to do so.

For now though,  it serves Him and His purposes.....to create in us a clean and pure heart.....hearts that pursue PEACE and desire RIGHTEOUSNESS even between moments of doubt....hearts that will dwell forever within the grip of His Glory.

Brandon, said tonight....."We never lock eyes with someone who isn't carrying  SOMETHING..."
Those SOMETHINGS are what connect humanity as we walk together between the already and not yet.  THEY are what HE longs to work together for our GOOD and HIS GLORY.
They are what train us in discipline.  They are what push us into places where we must make a choice. 
 They are what Christ carried, died for and conquered with the HOPE of ALL that laid beyond.

Just reminding myself tonight that He is the author and perfecter of my faith.  He fiercely pursues me, continuously, because He is faithful, making sure that I am prepared for all that lies beyond.

He is worthy to be praised!

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