Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fear or Faith

"But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above,
but is earthly, natural, demonic.
For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,
 there is disorder and every evil thing.

But the wisdom from above is first pure,
 then peaceable,
 full of mercy and good fruits,
without hypocrisy.

 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace"

-James 3:14-18

I was in a conversation today and something became so clear to me.
One of those moments when the word of God becomes very real and very practical. 

It was any given situation we always have a choice.  We all know that.  Sometimes we make decisions and choices based off of the foundation of ....
is this right or wrong,
 but the more life you experience and the deeper and richer one's relationships become,  we, sometimes,  realize that the answer is not so clear. 
We can also make decisions based on what we see,
a kind of PROs and CONs approach. 
We LOOK with our eyes at what lies before us and choose that which makes the MOST sense. 
The problem with this approach is that it is very one dimensional.  It is hard to make a list that could accurately illustrate ALL the aspects of a circumstance, becuase the truth is that we don't know them.

What became so clear to me today is that a BETTER way (not the only way) to make a decision,..... is to ask the question: FEAR or FAITH?

If I had to boil it down and simplify what these two words mean, this is what I would say.....
What is fear?  The absence of peace.  What is faith? The presence of peace.

Well, what is peace? Resting in a relationship with God

Well, how do I rest in a relationship with God? Repentance and Belief

What is repentance?  Changing your mind about how you do things

What is belief? Humbling yourself within the love and grace and sovereignty of God as He reveals Himself through Jesus and His Holy Spirit

The scripture above reminds me that what I seek is wisdom from above.
It tells me with confidence that I can KNOW that kind of wisdom by these characteristics:
 then peaceable,
 full of mercy and good fruits,
without hypocrisy.

Why would I seek anything else?
More times than not, I let my circumstances dictate my decisions.
I allow what I SEE to determine how I will respond.
But, after today, I am confident that my choice: FEAR or FAITH will be the attribute that defines what I experience.
In FEAR, I am weighed down.
In FAITH, I am free.
I am free to experience the power that comes when I choose to allow God's power to move through my life.
I choose FAITH not based on my circumstances but I choose FAITH based upon Him
He is about who He is...and within the playing out of the glorification of His name..... 
is His affection for my life and for yours.

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