Friday, January 11, 2013

Guarded By Peace

I wasn't sure back in October, when Brandon and I looked face to face and declared  to each other that each next step we took would take us towards putting this sign in our yard....I wasn't sure if it would REALLY happen.
But it has happened.

I don't think that every believer is called to sell their house, look for a smaller one, and use their resources (time, money, etc) differently....but we have been called to just that. 

We don't know IF we will actually get a contract and sell our house.  We don't know where we will move.  We don't know how long any of it will take.
But it just doesn't matter, because within us we have the PEACE that Paul writes about in Philippians...."And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"....we have it. 

It was given the day Brandon went in for surgery....and has been available everyday since.....the full assurance that He is so very much leading our PEACE.

The thing about that scripture is that it is encapsulated with some other very valuable words...

REJOICE ALWAYS.  Let your GENTLE SPIRIT be known. Be anxious for NOTHING. Pray.

And the peace of God (which is transcendent and not able to be comprehended) will serve as the GUARD of your mind and heart.

What I have found His PEACE to guard me from is FEAR.

With eyes wide open, arms extended, and feet prepared.....that is how we will choose to walk as we discover by faith...

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