Sunday, December 2, 2012

Affect the Space

One of the most profound things I heard this weekend at (
was this......"Affect the Space".   
This is a picture of a beautiful, talented and gifted DISCIPLE.......CHOSEN to change the world by "affecting the space" around her one inch at a time.

Over a decade ago, God put a vision within the owner of the studio I teach for to build a that would be different than so many around it.....and she DID. 
 A family stepped into those doors and headed down a road of costumes and hairpieces and competitions and choreography....and something took root.

Lots of things would happen over the course of those years..... seeds sown from a grandmother, prayers and surrender of a mother, disappointments and accomplishments and difficult decisions of a daughter, check-writing of a father, support of a that on THIS day....this daughter of the KING would be a part of something CHOSEN to change the affect every bring the Kingdom of God to this earth.

In Acts 1:8 the last words that Jesus spoke to His disciples in that small room were these:
"...You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my WITNESSES both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."

What Jesus is saying is ....stay right HERE......I will give you all the power that you need through my very BREATH to move you from the CENTER out toward the that with every step you take you will "affect the space" around you WALK, you will bring MY message of reconciliation to every part of the you SPEAK, you will pierce through the darkness of the hearts of men and women and you RAISE your hands to worship me, you will reflect my you GAZE upon ALL my creation you will KNOW that I am God and that my Kingdom is REDEEMING and RESTORING all that has been broken.

This POWER is not within only a FEW is within EVERY believer....we have been GIVEN every single thing we need to affect every inch of space that is right in front of us.
Stay right where you are.....let Him draw NEAR to you.... that He may GIVE you His power...that we would each  be empowered to affect EVERY inch of space within us and around us.....

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