Sunday, December 16, 2012

No Better Time

Asher sat next to me on the couch as we watched the President give his speech at the Newtown Memorial Service.   Brandon asked if we should turn the channel....should we shield him from this evil and sadness.....Seriously, y'all the ONLY brain tumor related doctor appointment that Asher has been to is the very first one....where we received diagnosis and knowledge of surgery.

I've wanted to shelter him from it all.  Daddy's head was hurt, the doctors fixed it, and now daddy takes medicine....this is what he knows.

So my initial response was to shelter him from this....but I can't.  And what I realized is that I want him to find out about good and evil, right and wrong, despair, sickness, death, and HOPE right here in our home.

So he watched.

 I knew towards the end I needed to give him an idea of what we were listening to.....taking courage I explained that a sad boy walked into a school with a gun....and with that very bad decision there came a lot of consequences.

Asher looked at me with his big blue eyes (because he KNOWS about bad choices and consequences) and then  he looked back to the television to stare at our President and his response was perfect.....

"We should pray.  Let's pray."

Tears flooded my eyes, the air grew still and sacred and we all grew intent as the President began to call the sweet children and adults by name:
Charlotte, 6
Daniel, 7
Rachel, 29
Olivia, 6
Josephine, 7
Ana, 6
Dylan, 6
Madeline, 6
Catherine, 6
Chase, 7
Jesse, 6
James, 6
Grace, 7
Anna Marie, 52
Emilie, 6
Jack, 6
Noah, 6
Caroline, 6
Jessica, 6
Avielle, 6
Lauren, 30
Mary, 56
Victoria, 27
Benjamin, 6
Allison, 6

Asher, you are so right....."WE SHOULD PRAY. LET'S PRAY."

There is no better time.

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