Sunday, December 9, 2012

That is the Truth

 "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God." - Acts 20:24

Sometimes I get the urge to APOLOGIZE ahead of time for any harsh statements I might make.  I know for sure that people who I walk with today and people whom I've walked with in other seasons.....have probably found themselves in an annoyed place with me.....asking me a question and desiring an honest response...and receiving an honest response....

Often, I don't want to be able to see the answer or even to be the bearer of the answer....but TRUTH is TRUTH.  We can run from it all we want......and deny it if we choose....but the TRUTH is a constantly, consistent reality.

What I have learned through my daily, intimate walk with the Lord is.....that though He created me with a purpose to UNDERSTAND and ACCEPT with a heart wide open TRUTH in any given situation....He is also creating and shaping me to be able to dialogue, communicate and even understand TRUTH with new and different eyes.....

The difference for me has been to think about TRUTH as 360 degrees.....with a different perspective with each look.  Thinking about Luke 15 and the harsh TRUTH Jesus was trying to communicate....."I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

Jesus communicates this TRUTH in three different ways through "The Lost Sheep", "The Lost Coin" and "The Prodigal Son"....He wants these men to understand that it is BETTER to eat with "sinners" with HOPE of repentance.....than to never eat with them at all....He also wants His disciples to be able to follow His lead....He also wants the men He is eating with to see themselves in LIGHT of who He was and to lay it all down and seek after Him.....

His purposes in communicating TRUTH were broad and the depth wasn't merely to win a debate with the wasn't only to demonstrate wasn't even ONLY to see the sinner set was ALL of those and much MORE...... to lay the foundation for His Kingdom......

My prayer is that by His GRACE I may receive and communicate TRUTH with this same desire.....not to just KNOW something or to simply EXPLAIN something.....but rather to just be a part of something that is drawing closer everyday ....and to desire above all else...that all those near and far from me are also, a part of that work.

And, THAT is the TRUTH!

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