Thursday, December 13, 2012

Prone to Wander

Don't we all love that old hymn..."Come Thou Fount" favorite line that makes me want to grab my heart out of my chest when I sing....
"Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above"

Looking at this picture of Asher, I REALLY realized that is is so in our nature to wander.
Asher could have been looking straight ahead, gazing in anticipation to where he was headed...
instead of looking around to where he COULD go.  

And I admit I used to struggle so much when I first came to know the Lord, with glancing in the wrong direction.....wanting to desperately know and continue to experience what I might be missing....what MIGHT be outside of ALL of "this"....

 At those times, my desperate cries sounded like the above lyrics.....Lord, HERE IS MY HEART....nothing in me wants to follow what your WORD says....but HERE take it ...seal it....continue to show me who YOU are...HELP ME walk in your ways and be obedient to your word and to love you with everything I am...

What I want to tell him everyday is this...
Asher, look straight ahead...listen with a clear and devoted obedient even when you don't want to...ask the Lord to help you when it gets hard...and walk into the destiny that awaits you.

(oh...... and there are cookies too)!

3yr old Preschool Christmas Program

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