Thursday, December 6, 2012


One of those weeks.....I just took a breath and looked upon ALL that transpired in the course of this week and all still to come and my head is spinning.  I couldn't accurately list the amount of events...big and small...that have whirled through in the course of 5 days (nothing like offering no specifics....but seriously don't know where to begin...the CRAZY thing is that none of them have to do with a BRAIN TUMOR) never feel like that do you?!!!

Sometimes I am burdened by things that are "busywork" those things that make me run around in circles until I sit down and realize I actually accomplished NOTHING....but I can honestly say there has not been one single thing I have done or received this week that has been meaningless....everywhere I turned I was either sowing seeds or someone was sowing into me...when I say "Sowing"...I mean "investing"....when I say "seeds"...I mean "thoughts, words, deeds" ..Kingdom of God ...Here on Earth.....

"Therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is consuming fire." -Hebrews 12:28

When something consumes takes over and as it takes begin to see that it is MOVING you....what once felt like weakness now becomes strengthened...what once seemed impossible is now   completely within grasp.....the world gets bigger and smaller within the same glimpse....and Hope in the unseen becomes more REAL than anything you can touch which is in fact truly fading.........

May my hands continue to be OPEN to receive the kingdom which cannot be I offer my life as reverence and awe of all that is here and all that is yet to come....

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