Friday, December 21, 2012

Glad They Were Wrong

 There are days when I wish it truly was the end.  
That all of "this" as we know it would wrap up and the newness which we are promised would find it's way to earth in all it's glory.
But today wasn't one of those days.  
Today, I am glad "they" were wrong.

 If the world had ended today, I would have missed so many of these moments.  And, though, I am convinced that one second in an eternity filled with the fullness of the glory of our creator, would be more than enough to satisfy my every desire and need.
I am certain that the moments we are blessed with in this life are from Him and that they are gifts of His nature...displaying His goodness and His love within His people.

If the world had ended today, here is what I would have missed.......

A cobb salad for lunch with my dad and Asher
Saying Bon Voyage to this beautiful friend
Asher's first pair of Air Jordans
This face as he realized he had just inherited an Ipad Mini
Enjoying my dad

Didn't you have moments today? Moments that produced JOY moments....
HE is faithful, true, and honest.....for when Jesus said....

"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. "
-Matthew 24:34-36

  .....He meant it...

May we live lives that produce the fullness of His joy within us while waiting in anticipation of all that is yet to be restored and redeemed.

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