Thursday, December 20, 2012


 I thought about value, a lot today.....It started when I decided to go ahead and get my haircut instead of waiting until I was back in Pittsburg.  I thought at first I could have saved some time and money by waiting, but at the last minute this morning I decided there wasn't much VALUE in waiting...better to do it now...

A haircut later and I was on my way home.  I reached across to the passenger seat to pick up my phone that had dropped to the floor.... BAM! Right up on the curb. Tire busted.  I am now rolling into the nearest parking lot to await some roadside assistance.

My first phone call was going to be fun.  Yep, you guessed it...made to my handsome, frugal, sensible, -never-to-reach-across-the seat-while driving-husband.  Yeah. Fun.

Except, he was awesome. 

A few years ago, this would have lasted weeks.  I would have felt awful and he would have made sure that I felt his disappointment.  But today was different.  Today, he used his moments  to encourage me...push me on......and set me back on path.

You can't assign VALUE to a husband who knows what his purpose in a marriage Paul writes in Ephesians...."Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her...."

Today, there was more value in Brandon LOVING me towards himself....that he might be able to delicately show me where I made a HUGE mistake....instead of pushing me away by manifesting his disappointment in me.

Because he chose to love me towards him today, I saw Christ in him.  I witnessed in the flesh what Christ desires above all give His love and experience us as we receive.  Within that relationship we do see ourselves for who we are...far from perfect....far from His perfection ..very capable of falling down over and over....but worthy to be loved...worthy to be straightened out and set back on path.

I'm not sure about the total amount that I racked up today (I am sure Brandon can show you the spreadsheet if you want to know).....and I wish I could always see my husband in that light (without zeros behind numbers).... but I am thankful that His GRACE is always within open our eyes and see our circumstances and relationships with His focus on value, which is weighed on His scales within a kingdom where His righteousness reigns.

Thank you to my husband who not only preaches but practices Christ's love.

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than he who is crooked though he be rich.

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