Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Stranger at the Door

Today, while I was getting ready, Asher came flying back to my bedroom shouting...."Mommy, I opened the door and this boy asked me if this was my dog and I said YES...isn't that AWESOME...?!"

I was stunned for a minute.  Trying to think to myself how I could BEST explain that the events that JUST took place were definitely NOT AWESOME, without invoking an unecessary FEAR in him.

 One, I forgot to lock the door while getting ready (let that guilt go).  Two, Asher opened the door and spoke to a complete stranger (teach him right and wrong). Three, he thought he was awesome and such a big boy (don't destroy his ego and point him towards Christ).

I thought of the apostle John's words from 1 John ..."Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God...."

There is a clear and distinct reason why we are not to open our heart to EVERY single thing we hear or see....before we allow our heart to open wide....we should put that "stranger" to the test.

"Asher... opening the door is a job for mommy and daddy.....the TRUTH is there are some people who are just MEAN.  They may not WANT to be MEAN.....but they just are....we want to make sure that we TRUST and KNOW someone before we let them enter our HOUSE."

Isn't that true. 

I don't want just anything invading ...my house...my temple....my spirit....I want only that which the Father has approved....and I think it's just plain SMART to TRUST and KNOW that which you are giving your life unto or opening your door to...

Haven't you heard the "Christianese" phrase ..."The day" or "the moment I TRUSTED Christ with my heart".....it's kind of cheesy....but it's also right on...true.  I don't think it was in an instant that the disciples trusted that Christ was who He said He was...it took time....it took space...it took the Holy Spirit...a seal of authenticity.... It definitely wasn't overnight that I completely TRUSTED the word of God as it is....revealing who Christ is and why He is so trustworthy.....

It takes time. It takes space.

My purpose for Asher was not to invoke FEAR in him today about making  the mistake of opening the door....the purpose was clear.....he needed an opportunity for me to say....it's ok to take time to ask mommy or daddy if this person is trustworthy enough to open the door.....it's ok to ask questions...it's ok NOT to TRUST right away..... but eventually after the initial knock, and lots and lots of answered questions, there does come a point when you have to look up at your mommy or daddy and say ...I think we can TRUST this guy........let's let him in....

Or not.

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