Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Balancing Act

I love to give my dancers opportunities to practice their "balance". When any dancer, especially a young one is learning to balance....there are lots of awkward moments. The first thing the dancer will work on is FOCUS...she has to focus her mind so that she can feel her entire body from the little toe to the crown of her head.  

THEN, she has to take ALL of that energy that she has created from concentrated focus and CHANNEL it ....put it under control into the very core of her body.  

 If she has made it that far, she will continue in the most important part which is TRUST....trusting that her body will sustain her, trusting that gravity will not weigh down her efforts, and trust that somewhere in the midst of that balance she will experience FREEDOM....which is the ultimate JOY of any dancer who has just accomplished the "perfect balance"....FREEDOM....freedom to suspend the movement "higher".

I'm grateful for days like today when God gives me opportunities to "practice my balance" study, lunch with friends, paying bills, doctors appointments, 5+ hours of  teaching dance, helping a friend, putting my baby to sleep, a quick chat with my husband before falling into sleep, a moment with HIM to write a blog.....

I'm thankful that He has taught me many days that when I FOCUS on Him, CHANNEL my energy to my core, and TRUST Him to lead me....that He gives me FREEDOM....even within these days that seem impossible.... HE is the GRACE that allows me to balance during the day...HE is the GRACE that shows me how to rest at night ....HE is the GRACE who will lift my head in the morning.

May you find your balance and experience the FREEDOM to suspend the movement a little bit higher.

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