Thursday, October 11, 2012


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

You will GO out in JOY and be LED FORTH in PEACE; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands

Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."
Isaiah 55:8-13

This morning I dropped Asher at school and  walked a few short feet down the hall to a women's bible study led by one of my good friends.

I had HIGH expectations, knowing the Spirit of the Lord would be within the room and among all the women...that my soul would receive water....

I woke up this morning in anticipation...putting on the lens redemption and taking off the lens of defeat.
Shortly into the study there was an interuption. We were JUST about to enter into 15 minutes of just being quiet before the Lord.

  "They" were painting the lines in the parking lot and our cars were in the way....we needed to move them unless we wanted white racing stripes down the sides of our cars!

So this room full of women made the track to our cars...pulled out one by one and proceeded to move to the opposite side of the building.  A guy in a yellow shirt caught my eye...not sure why....but I made eye contact and with him and smiled politely as if thanking him silently for doing the work he was doing instead of selfishly wishing I didn't have to move my car and I could just get on with the study.....

Random event.

On my way home while praying about what I was going to write today, my stomach began to grumble.  I told myself to just get home and eat a sandwich and have a glass of milk, but the Taco Bell sign caught my eye!  I gave in...

Very close to my house but several miles from the study I had just left...I made the right hand turn into the parking lot to make my way into the drive through.  I glanced to the right and there was that man...the worker in the yellow shirt, blonde hair and blue eyes.  He was with his girlfriend and they both looked pretty rough.

I wondered if he had recognized me again...

As I looked upon him this view was changed.  He looked rough. Smoking a cigarette, arguing with his girlfriend or wife or sister who was too skinny for her frame ...their car door was open and there was trash everywhere....they were confused ....standing in a parking lot....pondering their next move.


My life had just intersected with this man, twice, in the same coincidence.  Lord, what do you want me to do...was my question out loud as I was ordering my soft I pull around this corner do I need to say something or give them money or buy them a drink....

His quiet response to me...PRAY FOR HIM.  So that one day he can know that I (The Sovereign Lord) was with him on that day...when he saw that brown-haired girl in that grey Explorer..TWICE....that he will know that I love him...that I offer him my GRACE no matter what he was doing on that day.  That I (The Sovereign Lord) gave him that job in that church on that day and put you (my beloved daughter) in that study so that your ROADS WOULD CROSS and each would know ....."as the heavens are HIGHER than the earth, so are my WAYS HIGHER than your ways and my THOUGHTS HIGHER than your thoughts."

May we see His GRACE today ....not only in our own circumstances and daily soft taco cravings ....but also in those of all His beloved children.

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