Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thought Life

"Whatsoever you sow in secret thought life, that you WILL reap. Sow love and kindness, and you shall be rewarded openly. Sow charity and forgiveness, and you shall reap in kind. Sow generosity and gratitude, and you shall never feel poor. Sow hope, and you shall reap fulfillment. Sow praise, and you shall reap joy and well-being and a strong faith. Sow bountifully and you shall reap bountifully." -Francis J. Roberts

This quote comes directly from the truths of 2 Corinthians 9:6 and 10...."May He who supplies the seed to the and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your RIGHTEOUSNESS."

The thought life is an interesting one can see one can hear one can touch it ....except the person managing it...Do you think it's true that what we sow in our thought life WILL be manifested through our bodies, in our spirit, in our relationships? 

I actually do.  I believe that it is that simple. I believe God, Himself, delights when we turn our thought life over to him....when we yield to him the very THING that He created within us to allow us to exercise that beautiful term we love....FREE WILL. Our choice to act upon our FREE WILL begins in our thought life.  So, isn't it interesting that He gives us our beautiful minds only to simultaneously desire us to allow Him to change our thoughts.......and in essence to change our minds...give us new perspective...spiritual thoughts...about EVERYTHING..... through the POWER that His Spirit brings as He makes His home within us.  He turns our "hearts of stone" into "hearts of flesh".....

1 Corinthians 6 reminds us that we are not our own....we are a temple of the Living God....Jesus himself through His Holy Spirit. 

Pausing on that thought, I have to continue to ask myself....what am I thinking about.....what are each of my THOUGHTS sowing into my THOUGHT LIFE.   Love,  kindness, charity, forgiveness, generosity, gratitude, hope, praise?????  Hate, envy, anger, selfishness, unforgiveness, guilt, shame, despair??????

Could it really be just as simple as "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and casting down our WILD imaginations"? Could His peace be waiting within the fold of our complete and total surrender of our thoughts......not so that He can control us but so that He can change us....creating what He has promised....a people who will love Him with all their HEART and with all their SOUL and with all their STRENGTH and with all their MIND.....

May you meet His Grace today..... within your EVERY thought.....

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