Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Handling the Details

I belong to the Methodist Church.  I've  heard many jokes about the amazing amount of committees and meetings and many stories about just how long one single meeting could last.  I just happen to serve on several committees in our local church and I am honored to serve my church in that capacity.

Tonight, was one of those meetings.....yes...it was long and .....yes.....it was full of details and discussions and decisions.  I can often sit in these meetings and wonder what part I am playing...is it necessary....should I really be away from my family and is there somewhere else I could and should be serving.  Even broader....are ALL of these processes and committees and meetings REALLY necessary.

At the end of this particular meeting, God grabbed my heart in the closing prayer.  The prayer was from thankful hearts that we were given the strength and wisdom and perseverance to "handle so many details" SO that the ministries in the church and school would be FREE to minister as God has called them to minister....

What a freeing thought.  It is important that we have someone to handle our details so that we are free to walk in ALL that we have been called into....I am so thankful tonight that I had that moment of realization that our God in ALL HIS GLORY is the one who handles our details...The Father, Son and Holy Spirit together serves as our personal Leadership Committee.....

Jesus spoke many times that we cast our burdens, worries, anxieties and fears on Him....that we can TAKE HEART ....He has handled all the details....SO THAT we may walk into ALL that He has called us into....and minister to many.... without the burden of managing the details.....

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