Monday, November 5, 2012

A Weak Moment

I had a weak moment today.....when I questioned whether I would even take the time tomorrow to vote.  Does my vote matter? Do I know the issues well enough to even make an informed decision? I really don't want to think about ALL the money that was "used" for the side that ends up losing......

I think I'm stuck somewhere between idealism and realism.....desiring and imagining and knowing how things could and will be....yet fully aware of how things are currently.  I know there is a way to get from HERE to just sometimes seems like a LOT of work.......

I did reflect today on a term I kept hearing over and over today and that is "your right to vote".  As I've reflected the biggest realization I've had is that when people decide NOT to vote and the overall turnout declines.....then it is possible that the overwhelming majority could quite possibly become pictured as "less of a majority".....

My prayer is that people (like myself) who are feeling apathetic to the situation would turn their face towards their CREATOR and allow Him to remind them of exactly what FREEDOM looks like.....national freedom, political freedom and individual day there will be no majority.....only unity.....where voting for the "lesser of two evils" is not the only choice.....that there truly is ONE who will govern in perfect TRUTH and JUSTICE demonstrated by His outpouring of love for His people and that in those moments that entitlement will be replaced with HONOR.....I pray that whoever is elected tomorrow would be filled instantly with a GLIMPSE of that glorious day and work everyday moving towards that country.....

May this weak moment find strength in the knowledge that the HOPE for the future is found ONLY within the grasp of His LOVE......

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