Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Deep, Meaningful

 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."- I Peter 4:8

I am reflecting on today and realizing how THANKFUL I am that I am not even able to count the amount of deep, MEANINGFUL conversations that I have had today.  They've come in various mediums....face to face, passing through and stopping for a brief moment, email and text.....they have changed my mind, guided my actions, brought me to tears, exploded me in laughter, and increased my faith. All in the last 24 hours.

As I consider the blessing of each of these moments, I also give myself a moment to pause and consider those who perhaps haven't had one, single meaningful conversation today or this week, month, year or possibly ever.....

My prayer is that each day I could find myself more devoted to loving the people around me than the day before....may I honor them and offer my love and service and devotion in deep and meaningful ways.....not so that they may do so in return but so that we ALL may know and see and experience the Father, Son and Holy Spirit more deeply.....that we may love others more deeply.

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