Monday, November 26, 2012

Ever ancient, ever new

Late have I loved You
O beauty every ancient, ever new!
Late have I loved You
And behold,
You were within; and I without,
and without I sought You.
And deformed I ran after these forms
of beauty You have made.

You were with me
And I was not with You.
Those things held me back from You,
things whose only being
was to be in You.

You called; You cried;
and You broke through my deafness.
You flashed; You shone;
and you chased away my blindness.
You became fragrant;
and I inhaled and sighed for You.

I tasted
and now hunger and thirst
for You.

You touched me;
and I burned for Your embrace.

~St. Augustine
From his autobiography The Confessions written in the year 400....


I love how words from over 1000 years ago when connected to music from 2010 that my ear delights in....can draw me into the same presence that St. Augustine experienced the night he wrote.  HE is ever ancient, ever new....redeeming my every moment, filling in every space within, and moving me into that place that continues to hunger and thirst for more.

Whatever it takes within each day just draw me in closer.
Late Have I Loved You.


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