Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mystery of the Exchange

"Yes, My love for you is of such nature and intensity that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you to ever escape My thoughts, or for My longing for you to ever waver.
Cast aside your questionings
Fling aside your fears, 
For SURELY MY arms are already outstretched to receive you.


For in the moment you relinquish ALL-
in that same moment you shall know RELEASE.

For you shall be set free of yourself and 
shall be captive of MY love

My arms shall gather you and I shall never let you go!"
-Come Away Beloved

I love to HUG people.....seriously....I think there is nothing better than a good hug from someone.  I will hug people I barely know if they will let me.  I love to hug my dancers after class (even when they're sweaty).....I love to hug a friend who has just released a lot of baggage.....I love receiving a hug from my dad.....and I LOVE to hug MY BOYS!

The passage above seems to the most ridiculous hug that anyone could ever give or receive......arms that have been extended since before creation....outstretched and ready to take captive those who are brave enough to make the exchange......the mystery and contagiousness of a hug is that it is an exchange....something is released while something else is can't see it or touch it just happens.

I love a hug that lingers a little longer than intended....long enough for me to RELEASE what I was never intended to carry and RECEIVE what is continuously offered....

May we all search within the Grace of His arms today pursuing that embrace that captures us into eternity.....

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