Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's a Choice

Our dog escaped again.  The knock at the door indicated one of our neighbors would be bringing "Lily" back happens two different ways, either the garage door remains open while a certain 3 year old rides his bike sometimes forgetting to shut the door OR she finds her little place under our newly rebeuilt gate....and the escape happens without knowledge.

As I opened the door, I could sense this would be the last time this neighbor would bring this dog back.  Her face indicated her stress.  I tried my best to explain the situation, but she just wouldn't hear it.  As she turned to leave, I knew I had to speak....."Are you ANGRY?....Please don't leave ANGRY"  Yep.  I said that.  I spoke right to the center. 

She spoke quickly and without room for dialogue..."I AM ANGRY.  My dog was run over by a car.....yours was almost hit....and this is the last time I will bring her back to your house." 

I politely offered my apologies for her loss and acknowledged how personal this must be for her.  I thanked her again and again and pleaded with her to not leave.....stressing the value I place on living in PEACE with my neighbors....I stressed how we would be so much more AWARE and that we would TRY so hard not to let the escapes go unnoticed.....


That's right sister, you can.

I wanted to plead with her more...list out the reasons again...sorry we have a 3 year old who sometimes forgets to close the door, sorry we didn't spend $10, 000 on a better fence, sorry we didn't find her before you did.....SORRY....but this wasn't a moment for more dialogue that would just fuel her anger..

I looked down at Asher...."...And that Asher is why LOVE and HATE are choices we make.  In every moment, we can choose LOVE and PEACE...or NOT."

I could have let the issue go untouched.  Let her leave with all her anger and me to speculate her motives and intentions.  But, I am content that I didn't.  I am grateful for the opportunity to let her ANGER go I know where she stands.  She may never like me or my family or my dog.....but we know how to love her, how to pray, how to handle all the pain that is inside her that manifests itself as ANGER towards others.

May she find PEACE. May she choose LOVE.  May she know the ONE who offers the GRACE to allow her that choice. 

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."
-2 Corinthians 5:20

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