Friday, November 2, 2012

Before, After, Everywhere In Between


We recently had all of our carpet ripped out, green tile removed (well some of it...), and opened the floodgates for dust flying everywhere.  It was QUITE a process.  A couple of nights before they started....I started to panic.  I didn't want the mess, where would I cook, how would I ever get it cleaned back up, and of course spending the money....we just don't normally do things like that.....

But that Monday morning, I signed off and they began.  And it truly was a mess and it truly was inconvenient and it truly did disrupt our dinners and our showers and Asher was "forced" to play outside!
But then they were finished and we got it cleaned up and plastic removed and furniture moved back and FINALLY Asher could watch "Curious" again.

It was a process. It was messy.  It took time. It was a disruption to normal, comfortable living.
But it was worth it....

The end of this process isn't the exchange of old floors for new or even possibly an old house for a new one....there is still more to be revealed and the PURPOSES are infinite...
BUT yielding to allow the process to begin has created in us new levels of TRUST...
However, anxious and uncomfortable I was when we began ....I am finding great JOY in walking through ALL of it now....

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."- Philippians 1:6 

Whether we find ourselves in the first picture or the second or somewhere in that NARROW PLACE in between....we can REST knowing He is the destruction, in the rebuilding and EVERYWHERE in between.....

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