Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Creating Extra Time

TIME was the word of the day.  
I had a revelation of such a simple truth while we waited for Brandon today at the mall.  On any other day our trip to the mall would have been about my time schedule.  We have 30 minutes to play in the play area, a 15 minute lunch in the food court, a short ride on the carousel, and perhaps a visit to one of the stores I would want to purchase something and then ON TO THE NEXT THING.  But today was different.  I actually observed Asher and made a decision to let him guide the schedule.....we spent 30 minutes in Pottery Barn exploring and free playing, enjoyed a long snack laughing about the funny faces we could make after each bite, and a long time of observation of the ice rink where he was free to ask his string of questions.  I think Brandon and I do a really good job of giving Asher attention and meeting his needs and shepherding his emotions.  Today, though I realized that sometimes an extra five minutes to listen to this three-year old share his heart and ask his questions and use his imagination on his own TIME
 is far more important than any schedule I could create.
I realized the freedom we have as a family of three is truly a gift. 
 Our evening ended with a game of Memory....on most nights one or two games is plenty, but tonight there was freedom to play another game (and though mommy won all three games).....another five minutes of laughter, gasps, frustration, tears, and words of wisdom flowed throughout and we could all sense that five more minutes grew us closer, made us stronger, and set us free to love deeper.  

Thankful, today, for realizing that sacrificing extra moments of time produces more freedom in my relationships.

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